Saturday, April 12, 2008

more pics

this is the cover to the big ass boat from the last post. 35 yards of canvas!
i zipper the middle and put in a flap to cover the zipper to alleviate the weight of the canvas. it is much easier to manuver this way.
mark (my newest employee) and his fiance sarah. they eat lunch together every day. she is due next month. they are the cutest couple you have ever seen. mark comes to us from las angelas with hopes of building his own custom cars one day. he wants to learn all car aspects. good kid. he is 23.
this is fran, the guy i have written about before. we love him and he is a great asset to our company. 53 years upholstery experience (own business in santa barbara) and is 73 years old. freaking amazing how fun he is.
terry doing her job (for once). just kidding. we have a fun shop. busy, but fun.


Jovi said...

i love seeing everyone! i can't believe how fast your business is growing! so proud :)

BirdEtt said...

Love all the updates, Beck. It's awesome seeing all of the people under your wing. I can't wait to meet everyone!! love ya.