Saturday, January 3, 2009

a superpower called "kellly"

i am go grateful to my friend kelly. she came over last night and today to show me how to run the peachtree program that does the accounting for the business. i have been so stressed out because my computer knowledge doesn't extend much past keeping in tough with people and shopping, but kelly got me schooled and i am soooooooooooooooooo happy. i can do my books and get back on track now. the rest is downhill. so on top of being the savior i have much needed, she is also the reason i am not a size 14 anymore (she is my workout partner), runs her boyfriends business (which is much bigger than i can imagine), takes care of her dad and brother and is a great mom. and, is a great friend too- so thanks kelly!


Chef Rachel Main said...

so happy to know you've got a great friend. yea Kelly!

Jovi said...

aw, you two sound like a good match :)