Friday, September 19, 2008

another day in the life.......

we have been really fortunate lately that we have remained to be busy even with the economy in a slump. in fact, we had such a good day that we took all of our employees out to chili charlies for lunch to say "thanks". we have so many drop-offs and estimates that much of our time is filled with customer service rather that servicing customers. it is a challenge to get all of the work out that we have to do, but i am convinced this is a blessing. so, with that, i am grateful. we have a soccer game to attend tonight for tyler (frans great grandson) and tomorrow morning jule has a game then owen afterwards. life just gets busier and busier!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's cool that you find time to say thanks to your crew. yeah, sometimes I get "bogged down" in customer service rather than actually performing the task they pay me to do, but you know what, part of what my customers pay for is good customer service..then sometimes I get bogged down in performing the tasks and slack off in customer's something I'm hoping will balance itself out now that I have a partner, a book keeper, and soon more staff....that way Robert and I can focus on customer service...

I imagine you and I are meeting similar challenges these days.