Saturday, September 20, 2008

my incredibly strong lyricist

jule douglas decided to bring his guitar and write songs at work today. he worked most of the day on this and wrote several songs (yes, on paper) about all kinds of things. he then asked me if i would hire him to be the shop songwriter (which i agreed to) but i don't pay him, he just wants a job. what a boy! so, the picture is near the end of his day when he came up to show me his muscles. he informed me that they are his "big songwriting muscles". i found this very picture-worthy. that is my jule bug.
here is a song he wrote:
so heres the story about a little man everything was blue for him
the little man sung a song about his self oh im blue muma dee muma do muma dee muma da mumu dee mumu do oh im blue mumu dee muma do muma dee muma do oh im blue the end.
i think this is quite good for a 6 year old.


BirdEtt said...

i wish i could gain muscle by writing songs.

Chef Rachel Main said...

I love my nephews!!!!

Jule is a hoot - talented, imaginative, and quite handsome to boot. You're a lucky mamma.

Jovi said...

wow that is so awesome!! he's hilarious, and talented, i think!!