Tuesday, October 9, 2007

child labor

fall break for school is this week, so............. kids need something to do. idle hands are the devils workshop (or something like that). nikki, aaron and ian all came down for a few hours today to put their time to use. we mean business here man! my friend terry is at my house all week taking care of my kids (and hers too). she is doing fun halloween stuff with them and cooking some fun things. the kids don't go back to school until next monday. i am sure i can find some more things for them to clean or take apart! by the way, my floors at the house are gone! we are starting over. fun fun for us!

1 comment:

Jovi said...

wish we had fall break. guess it's not much of a break for you, tho! man, your preferred drink list cracked me up! eh, at least your honest, right? you'd probably like mead- fermented honey water! sweet!