Tuesday, October 2, 2007

tuesday and more

yesterday ian had baseball on the island at 6, soccer practice at 5:30 and i had a board meeting for soccer at 7:00. mike had to leave and pick up owen and jule at school, get ian and go to the island. i closed the shop up, walked most of the way home until a friend saw me and gave me a ride. i then got a ride from neil to my meeting then had another friend pick me up and take me home which was about the same time mike finished at baseball also. today jule has a game at 5:30, ian and nikki have games at 6 and ian is supposed to be in a school play at 6. someone please tell me how this works........................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh, I have NO IDEA - except I can finally quote Senator Clinton:

"It takes a village."